ZANON Research & Innovation

ZANON Research & Innovation

The Β«PhysicsΒ» Business branch of Ettore Zanon S.p.a. is taken over by SIMIC and a new Company, ZANON Research & Innovation S.r.l., is founded.
New facility

New facility

With the award of an important contract for XFEL Project by DESY to manufacture and treat 420 units of the 9 cells 1,3 GHz superconducting cavities for the accelerator of Hamburg, a completely new facility has been installed, including a new workshop, clean rooms and...
Niobium Cavity

Niobium Cavity

Zanon manufactured its first Niobium Cavity, a milestone for Zanon, growing in the Physics Research Field. Thanks to this success, Zanon invested in the sector becoming a worldwide known manufacturer of RF Cavities for Superconducting and non-Superconducting...
Activity in Research field

Activity in Research field

Zanon started its activity in Research field by working closely with the most important Research Institutes worldwide. Since 50 years, the company has been part of the most important Italian and foreign Research Projects.