Zanon Research & Innovation, a SIMIC Company, is pleased to announce its participation in the 4th Accelerator Days, taking place on April 3–4, 2025, at the Legnaro...
Merry Christmas from ZANON Research & Innovation!
As 2024 comes to an end, we want to thank our clients, partners, and team members for their invaluable support and collaboration throughout the year. Together, we’ve...
Zanon Research & Innovation is very pleased to have been part of the VII edition of #FESAV Festival Della Scienza dell’Alto Vicentino, held in Schio from 18 to 27...
Zanon Research & Innovation is thrilled to announce the first HB650 cavity completion. This cutting-edge component is ready to be sent at STFC-Daresbury for its...
FESAV – VII Edition
ZANON (a SIMIC Company) is the main sponsor of the VII edition of FESAV - Alto Vicentino Science Festival, which will be held in Schio (VI) from 18 to 27 October 2024....
BSBF2024 Exhibition
We are happy to inform that Zanon Research & Innovation will be in Trieste on 1-4 Oct. for the Big Science Business Forum BSBF2024! Please come and visit us to...
Dr. Hongtao Hou and Dr. Xiaoyun Pu’s visit for SHINE project
Zanon is deeply involved in the Shanghai High repetition rate XFEL aNd Extreme light facility (SHINE) project with the fabrication and treatment of 60 1.3 GHz cavities....
New contract with LBNL for ALS-U project
Zanon is pleased to have signed an important contract with LBNL ( for the fabrication of 27 vacuum chambers made in copper and NEG coated. They...
AEO – Authorized Economic Operator
Zanon Research & Innovation Srl is proud to have obtained, with Authorization no. IT AEOC 24 2064, the status of Authorized Economic Operator for customs...
First RFD CRAB cavity jacketed!
Zanon for the High-Luminosity LHC project at CERN, in collaboration with Fermilab National Laboratory, is manufacturing 12 RFD CRAB cavities which are very complex due...
First pre-series HB650 sent to FNAL for the cold test!
The first HB650 cavity has been sent to Fermilab for the cold test: this will qualify the treatment cycle developed by Fermilab and applied by industry for the first...
First two production RFD CRAB cavities welded!
At Zanon Research & Innovation we are deeply involved in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project at CERN, in Switzerland. We are in fact...
PMI DAY : Giornata Nazionale delle Piccole e Medie Imprese
Venerdì 17 novembre 2023 abbiamo ricevuto in visita la classe IV DR dell’Istituto Silvio De Pretto di Schio, nell’ambito della Quattordicesima Giornata Nazionale delle...
First EP and N-doping treatment on the HB650 done in the industry at Zanon!
The first HB650 cavity electro-polishing and N-doping surface treatments have been completed successfully at ZANON with the great technological support of UKRI-STFC and...
Zanon Research & Innovation participation to CEPC workshop
Zanon was invited to present at CEPC workshop in Nanjing, China it has been a great honor for us! CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider) is a large international...
First HB650 cavity welded!
After the acquisition of the contract with UKRI-STFC for the complete supply (mechanical fabrication, surface treatments and integration in the titanium helium vessel)...
21st International Conference on RF Superconductivity
From 25 to 30 June we’re “Exhibitors”, with our mother company SIMIC, in Grand Rapids (USA) for the SRF 2023 – 21st International Conference on Radio Frequency...
IPAC 2023 – International Particle Accelerator Conference
From 7 to 12 May we’re “Proud Sponsor”, with our mother company SIMIC, in Expo Venice (Italy) for the IPAC23- International Particle Accelerator Conference. IPAC...
Zanon completes the mechanical construction and treatment of first SSR2 cavity for PIP-II project.
After the successful fabrication of 4 LB650 cavities for the PIP-II project at Fermilab, Zanon has completed the mechanical construction of three SSR2 spoke cavities....
ZANON delivers the first LB650 cavities for PIP -II project
PIP-II is a new particle accelerator that will power record-breaking neutrino beams and drive a broad physics research program at Fermilab for the next 50 years....
At Zanon, manufacturing technology is pushed to the limits for the Hi-Lumi LHC project
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC which aims to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC...
Zanon signs a contract for the SHINE project, China
SHINE (Shanghai High repetition rate XFEL and Extreme light facility) is a new project at Shanghai, China. It includes a hard X-ray free electron laser and an 100PW...
Zanon collaborating with FERMILAB on PIP II project.
The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is an essential upgrade to the Fermilab accelerator complex to provide powerful, high-intensity proton beams to the laboratory’s...